Welcome to the Greensburg Church of the Brethren
Welcome to the Greensburg Church of the Brethren
Bible Studies, Movies, Car Washes and Food, Food, Food
We Teach the Word | We Preach the Word | We Live the Word
The Bible doesn't change, it changes us.
There is a time to be very serious and a time for fun in church. When you find that right mixture, that right blend, it is a powerful tool. We have that here in the Greensburg Church, and it is building and getting better all the time.
We share God’s love in various ways in our homes, places of work, local community, and throughout the world.
Church life means faith, relationship, discipline, service, responsibilities of church leaders and members, and much more.
Where and When
Greensburg, PA 15601
Sunday School
9:15 – 10:15
Sunday Worship Service
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Contacts & Members
Church life means faith, relationship, discipline, service, responsibilities of church leaders and members, and much more.
Missions and Outreach
The Greensburg Church of the Brethren is a team-driven Christian congregation comprised of a Deacon Body and four core ministry teams.
Worship extends far beyond the four walls of our church. When you take God’s Glory out into the mission field, God will bless you more than you can even imagine.